Changing from single sink to double sink in bathroom

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Nov 22, 2010
Reaction score
Charlotte, NC
I'm renovating a bathroom that has a single sink in the middle of a 74" countertop and want to change it to a double sink. Can I simply direct the drains from both sinks into the existing drain used for the single?

I guess this seems fairly simple to me and want someone to verify it's as simple as I think before I buy the double vanity. I'm aware that using the existing cabinet will require some modifications, so only concerned about the draining.

Thanks for your replies.

There are areas where it is unacceptable to put two traps on a drain arm. But it is my experience that a properly vented 1 1/2" drain arm can serve two lavatory bowls with a trap on each bowl. My only concern would be the distance from each trap back to the vent stack. If the vent stack is in the center directly behind the existing bowl, you should be fine.