Can you help fix this toilet flange?

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Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Florence, SC
The toilet flange is cracked on one side where the slot is. When I try to tighten the toilet down, it just pulls the closet bolt right through the flange. I was going to buy one of those spanner kits that has two metal pices (like two half circles) that you slide under the flange. However, I can't slide one under the flange because someone tiled the floor after the flange was already installed. In other words, the lip of the flange is below the floor surface, so I can't slide the metal thing into place. Is there any other way to fix this cracked flange without having to try and replace the whole thing?

Please let us know how you fixed it for future members with the same problem!

I installed a spanner flange. As the attached photo shows, it's a half-moon shaped metal piece that is normally slipped under the broken slot of your toilet flange. In my case, I couldn't slip it "under" because the toilet flange was below the surface of the floor. So, I just placed it on top instead. As long as it's bolted solidly into the floor, it shouldn't make any difference whether the metal piece is under or on top of the toilet flange. Mine worked out fine that way.

Glad you were able to fix that!

Thanks for the info on how you did it!
Thanks for sharing. Good to know. My only idea would have been to change out the flange.