Can someone tell me what sort of system this is?

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Jun 14, 2020
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I know nothing about drainage systems, but even this seems a bit weird to me. Its almost as if there is a sump pit but I see no pump, electricity outlet nor drainage out.

A couple of months we had a basement flood situation and it was coming fast out of the basement drain. I installed a temp check valve in the drain until I can scrape up the funds for a plumber and noticed that it works, but the water slowly then comes up from the pit that looks like a sump pit, anytime we are close to a flood situation.If anyone can explain to me what sort of system this is, I would appreciate it. Willing to also donate if someone can draw up a diagram of what is likely under the concrete.

Id like to know as much as I can about this system so I am informed when I get a plumber out here. This townhouse was built in 1972 in illinois. Any insight would be appreciated.

When you flood is it ground water or sewage?
Have you tried to clean out that pit to see if there is a bottom or a pipe
The hole on the left did you install that fitting?
The other cover, have you opened it , it maybe cleanout access for your house drain
If the bigger hole is jus ground water install a pump with a float an pump it outside and away from the house
When you flood is it ground water or sewage?
Have you tried to clean out that pit to see if there is a bottom or a pipe
The hole on the left did you install that fitting?
The other cover, have you opened it , it maybe cleanout access for your house drain
If the bigger hole is jus ground water install a pump with a float an pump it outside and away from the house

Its definitely sewage that came from the small drain thats on the left of the sump looking pit. I installed that fitting which is I believe a form of check valve that keeps sewage water from spewing out.

The water that seeps up from the large sump pit looking portion, Im not sure if thats sewage or not. It def seems like it might be.

The reason I ask what it is, is because I dont know if its some sort of 70's backflow system in conjunction with the pvc capped pipe ( I presume a cleanout) above it in the pics. The pvc capped pipe is closest to the front wall of my place.
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I think what I would try is
Take the brass cover off (the one in front of the sump) I think it’s possibly a clean out too
Run a hose down it and see what happens
Then take out that fitting you installed run water down that and see what happens
Then run water down the sump with both covers off and see what happens
I think what I would try is
Take the brass cover off (the one in front of the sump) I think it’s possibly a clean out too
Run a hose down it and see what happens
Then take out that fitting you installed run water down that and see what happens
Then run water down the sump with both covers off and see what happens

Awesome 🙌 Will tackle this first thing in the morning or later tonight and report back how all 3 scenarios turn out.
Nothing I've seen in over 45 years of plumbing.

No ideas at all? I feel like its a sump pit never utilized. Everything I put down all three, drains.

My OCD is going to end up causing me to break up the concrete and get a plumber to upgrade it.
No ideas at all? I feel like its a sump pit never utilized. Everything I put down all three, drains.

My OCD is going to end up causing me to break up the concrete and get a plumber to upgrade it.
If the biggest hole is deep enough put a pump with a float in it run a pipe outside if it floods again see what it pumps, cap off both small holes
If you do put a pump in the larger hole test it with water to see how deep the water gets before the pump turns on
Do not connect the sump to any plumbing drain