bubbles in basement toilet

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Active Member
Nov 28, 2010
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
Recently, bubbles have been rising in a basement toilet. I think it is occurring when laundry is being done on the main level. We have a septic tank system so I'm wondering if the septic tank is full and needs to be pumped. Last time it was pumped was in 2006.

Does this sound like a septic tank issue or could it possibly be something else?
Normally, only two things cause bubbles in the toilet. Clogged vent pipe, or clogged sewer line. Doubtful your tank needs pumped. I would suggest augering the line from the toilet towards the septic tank.
Assuming that these are suds type bubbles, then it does sound to me like a clog in the line at some point past the toilet. Sounds like the first thing to try is as majakdragon said, augering the line.

After 4 years, however, it certainly isn't a bad idea to have the tank pumped out to remove the solids before they make their way into the drainfield.
What kind of Drain pipe system do you have?
Old cast Iron pipe gets really rough inside and can increase the agitation of the laundry discharge.
Have you changed the type of laundry soap.
I think the liquids foam up more than powdered detergents.

Here's a short related story but probably won't solve your problem.
3 story bldg.
1st flr unit consistently getting foam coming out of his toilet onto the floor.Previous contractors could not figure it out.
We pulled the toilet and inspected it with a line camera.
The vertical stack from upper units connected to common drain with 1st flr toilet approx 3 ft away.
We eventually gained access to the 3rd flr unit and ran a camera gown the stack.
While doing so I noticed a big bottle of bubble bath soap on the edge of the bath tub.
For several months we had been trying to gain access to this unit and they knew that there was a foaming problem down stairs.
They refused to believe that that was causing the problem on the first floor so I proved it to them.
Just a little bubble bath in the tub and with the camera still in the line and water running in the tub the horizontal pipe was completely filled with foam.
A contributing factor was also the way the stack was connected near the 1st flr toilet.
So they where warned to stop using the bubble bath or they would be liable for water damage in 1st flr unit.
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If it is non-soapy bubbles, then Majak is absolutely correct here. auger the line, then if that doesn't work check your vent stack for blockage.

If it is soap then it could be numerous problems, most of which David covered. More info certainly wouldn't hurt. What kind of bubbles are you seeing, and does the toilet bubble when flushed, or only when laundry is being done...etc. The more specific the answers, the easier it will be for people to help nail things down.