bathroom sink pop up drain assembly

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Mar 25, 2016
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hi, first post here, so I guess intro and request for help all in one. A homeowner, usually try to DIY most simple household things. Mechanical aptitude and usually can figure things out.

So I need some help. 13 year old house, we are first owners. Couple of the bathroom sinks started to not hold water with the pop up plug down. I tried the universal plugs you can buy at home depot, etc, they don't fit quite right. I crawled under the sink and figured out how the drain assembly comes apart. I see I have moen parts. The drain is a bit larger diameter than the 1 1/4" universal kits they sell in Home Depot. I called Moen and they said my parts are covered under warranty, so they shipped me out 4 Moen part 10790 "Chrome lavatory waste assembly". It's the drain body, flange, rod, and the oddest part - a totally cast metal drain plug. The drain plug as a loose wiggly chrome cap on it - not meant to take off - with no o-ring. It kinda sorta fits in the flange, but doesn't seat all the way in. Is this some kitting mistake by Moen? or are there drain plugs that don't use O-rings? I haven't installed the thing yet. Just seems odd. All the other part look like the original I took out. Thanks
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Yours has no gasket under the cap as shown here?



... I called Moen and they said my parts are covered under warranty, so they shipped me out 4 Moen part 10790 "Chrome lavatory waste assembly". It's the drain body, flange, rod, and the oddest part - a totally cast metal drain plug.

The drain plug as a loose wiggly chrome cap on it - not meant to take off - with no o-ring. It kinda sorta fits in the flange, but doesn't seat all the way in. Is this some kitting mistake by Moen? or are there drain plugs that don't use O-rings?

I haven't installed the thing yet. Just seems odd. All the other part look like the original I took out. Thanks


I wonder how it is supposed to seal? The asm looks to be quality.

Maybe try one and if it leaks, purchase a quality unit from KOHLER.

Lavatory Sink Drain Asm- Pop-Up- K-1035350-BN.jpg
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hi, not quite like that. But yes, no rubber o-ring. You have it in the second picture you posted - just like that. Cast metal plug body with a chrome 'cap' that has some movement to it, though not meant to come off. Doesn't seat all the way into the hole like the kit one I bought at home depot - it seats all the way flush in the hole when pulled down. The original MOEN part in the sink had a plastic drain plug with o-ring. Not sure why MOEN warranty sent this type. I am curious to see if works, guess that curiosity will drive me to go ahead and install it and see. It was free - MOEN just sent them free of charge under warranty (12 years later).
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well.. I installed the new MOEN replacement drain assembly with their all metal no o-ring drain plug.. letting water sit in sink to see if it leaks. So far so good. Who would have thought metal on metal would seal. I'm going to let the sink stand half full through the day and see how long it takes it to leak/drain.