back water valve?

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Active Member
Feb 22, 2015
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hope this hasn't been covered before (I DID do a search) but I'd like to know about "backwater valves" and whether they work well or not. I have a problem with the sewer VERY occasionally backing up through my basement floor drain in my furnace room and ruining the carpet in the hall right next to it. I've had the sewer line under the slab "roto rootered" twice now and a guy is coming out with a camera today. If they don't actually see a clog,should I just slap in a backwater valve? (BTW the house is 40 yeard old)
For the most part a backwatdr valve protects you from city sewerback ups.yes it will help also with stoppages from your foundation wall to tne city sewerits best if you have a cleanout in the yard just outside the foundation that way you are able to snake from that pointto the
street you can not snake thru a back water valve unless you take it apart
For the most part a backwatdr valve protects you from city sewerback ups.yes it will help also with stoppages from your foundation wall to tne city sewerits best if you have a cleanout in the yard just outside the foundation that way you are able to snake from that pointto the
street you can not snake thru a back water valve unless you take it apart

Forget about the backwater valve. according to the plumber and his camera,there's a stretch of ci pipe that's cracked and needs to be replaced. (under the concrete) Does anyone know anything about "inside the pipe" repairs?
Forget about the backwater valve. according to the plumber and his camera,there's a stretch of ci pipe that's cracked and needs to be replaced. (under the concrete) Does anyone know anything about "inside the pipe" repairs?
yes,we have a company we work with thats what they specialize anew had 2 drain lines that were cracked and the bottom was missing in spots....there was some construction on a large granite platform near the pipes so they dug around the piping the construction/age of the pipe caused both pipes to crack in half....the lining was still intact......a this point the lines were replced from in side the building to the sewer/storm mains

another time we had a pumped drain that was located under a giant granite was lined and working perfectly in about 12 hours
it is expensive but mush less evasive than digging,fixing landscaping, is guaranteed for 50 years and in some cases it will take temps above 150 degrees
Sometimes the issue is also that the house settles, and the sewer line separates, and is now sitting at two different levels, on either side of the separation.

But the camera inspection should show if that is the case.
yes,we have a company we work with thats what they specialize anew had 2 drain lines that were cracked and the bottom was missing in spots....there was some construction on a large granite platform near the pipes so they dug around the piping the construction/age of the pipe caused both pipes to crack in half....the lining was still intact......a this point the lines were replced from in side the building to the sewer/storm mains

another time we had a pumped drain that was located under a giant granite was lined and working perfectly in about 12 hours
it is expensive but mush less evasive than digging,fixing landscaping, is guaranteed for 50 years and in some cases it will take temps above 150 degrees

I was thinking of the newer techniques where an epoxy lining is used. isn't that less expensive than actually replacing the pipe?
I was thinking of the newer techniques where an epoxy lining is used. isn't that less expensive than actually replacing the pipe?
I dont know if its less expensive but there is no its possible that with digging.installing new pipe back filling,and re landscaping could be close in expense