3 piece bathroom PEX size

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Jan 25, 2016
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta

Is it okay to feed a bathroom with 1/2" PEX for cold and 1/2" PEX for hot for a toilet, shower, and sink?

I was told 3/4 to the first device but that seems overkill to me...
If everything else is 3/4, go 3/4. If you're trying onto half, just go half. You might see a slight decrease in pressure though.
Also, I think it depends on the inlet size of your meter and what pressure will allow. And what your current water line piping is consisting of.
if you can t off a 3/4 line to half inch thats good if not 1/2 inch will be fine depending on how rest of house is piped, how many baths , how many people using water at same time, etc.
I just did my basement bath,laundry,boilet feed I have a 3/4 inch main....the wat it was piped before was everything teed off of a 1/2 " main....2 baths a kithchen laundry 2 silcocks
I didn't have much of a choice because all the pipng had to go between the floor joists and the basement sheetrock ceiling...I had to double strap just to get 1/2" in....so I split up the floors hot and cold and ran a separate line for my boiler feed no pressure drop better hot water for each floor only 3 people uses are athe same ore different times