well pump

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  1. C

    Well pump discharge connector

    Well pump discharge connection was corroded and leaking. The connector broke off soon after extracting the pump. I am having trouble removing the connector piece still on the pump. Since I did not install the well, I just want to be sure I am removing the right part. I would appreciate it if you...
  2. R

    Well Pump low pressure Issue

    Dear forum members, I would like some advice to diagnose an issue. I have a cycle stop valve system on my well using a 10-gallon diaphragm-style (I assume) tank. When I turn on the cold water from my high flow bathtub faucet, the water comes out at 65 PSI which is what my pressure switch is...
  3. M

    Well pump and RO systems

    We have a 325 ft well near an ocean marsh. Well pump is at 300 ft. Pump company says we have water 60 ft down so seems like plenty of water. However, because the well is so deep we get brackish water and our well TDS is 7k with mostly sodium and chloride. The well serves a whole home RO system...
  4. P

    Pump not turning on

    Hi, I have a 1hp 230V underground pump that will not turn on. It was working fine when I bought the house, but I forgot to have the electric switched over to my name, so the power company turned the power off and I have not been able to get it to work since the electric was turned back on. I've...
  5. Dennis Schaub

    New Home Presenting Well Issues

    Recently purchased a home in Ohio built in 1977. Home was left empty for several years, so all plumbing and fixtures have been removed with the exception of the pressure tank which seems semi-new. I have a garden hose attached to pressure tank. The well has a submersible pump. The well has...
  6. BlueAlias16

    Well Pump not holding pressure

    I have fixed everything on the house side, new pressure tank (set at 38psi), pressure gauge, pressure switch (40/60), checked all plumbing isn’t blocked up. I have good pressure for about 5 cycles of the pump kicking off at 60 psi and turning on at 40psi like it’s suppose to, but then all of a...
  7. N

    Surging Well Pump

    Hello, been trying to help my neighbor with their well not working. The well controller is a Guardian Model DC2. It keeps throwing an E2 code. (low water pressure 10psi or less for 10 seconds) Even when the pump is running it surges and I see bubbles in the filter housing. Any idea what might be...
  8. R

    Below ground well cap

    Hello everyone, thanks in advanced for your time and help. New homeowner here. I recently uncovered my well head. House is built in 1940 and I don’t have any information on the well. My cap is below grade and I dug it up to extend it above grade and put the correct cap on it. It was completely...