sump pit

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  1. A

    Sewer gas smell from sump pit

    Hello, A friend of mine has a pretty bad issue with sewer gas that seems to be coming from one of his sump pits. He lives on land that has a very high water table and I believe perhaps a small spring, so the pit is constantly filling with a trickle of water. There is a full bathroom about 10...
  2. Sean Connolly

    Sump pump fooling me - what am I missing?

    I'm new to my house and have been trying to test my sump pump to confirm it works. I have never had a sump pump before and know little about them other than their purpose and the basics of how they work. I filled the sump pit up maybe 1/3 full with water, then watched/listened for the pump to...
  3. 2

    Sump Pump

    Good morning all, New member hear and just joined, so please pardon me if this is in the wrong section. My issue is this (excuse the long story, but I feel that some background info may be . I have a home with a finished basement that was built in 2020. Last September (2021) we had...
  4. K

    Cutting hole in sump pit

    I need to cut a new 4 3/4” hole in my sump pit to add a drain line for a toilet. Would a hole saw accomplish this? What is the best way to go about doing this? I believe the pit is fiberglass.
  5. V

    Sump Pump basin causing clogging

    So I have a sump pump in a basin that was improperly installed. The basin is cut straight through the basement slab app the way the the earth below which is all clay. I live about 100 yards off the Hudson River so very low on the water table. That, coupled with an underground stream flowing...
  6. P

    Water on top/around sump pump cover

    Hi folks. I have a ~2y/o basement sump pump (not 100% on age as we bought the house 4 months ago, but pretty sure it was installed around Nov '19) and just yesterday noticed small amounts of water on top of the pump cover and surrounding area. We have a dehumidifier stacked right next to it (we...
  7. T

    Sump Pit in deep pour basement

    I have a deep pour basement. Pit will be dry unless there's a heavy rain. After heavy rain, pump will run every 30 seconds start-to-start. I think most of the water is ground water (water table rises). Ideas to get less water in the pit after heavy rains?