Hello. I am using a Haskel 4B-14 air driven liquid pump that uses one single air head inside. Instead of using a manual air regulator for controlling the pumps pressure, I used a electronic version (IP current to pneumatic Transducer) so I could automate this process. Basically, when I try and...
We are installing solar power irrigation systems for smallholding farmers in Rural Ghana,
We have 12V DC 0.18kW (max 20A) pumps, there only power source will be a voltage varying from 15-20V coming from solar panels.
The boreholes are narrow, therefore is not much room for a float switch,
I have the following problem with my pump pressure controller: When I switch the unit on it shows failure and the pump consequently does not start. However, after I restart the pressure controller, it will never show failure (no matter how long or how many times it is used) until...
I'm seeking advice regarding a centrifugal pump installation in a shallow well (24'), specifically how to prevent the pump from drawing the water down below the foot valve intake. Are there accurate, reliable water depth measuring devices that will turn off the pump when the water level in the...