hose bib

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  1. C

    Outside hose bib - rebuilding... really don't want to snap it off...

    So, over 20 years ago, I added on to my house. Since the entire back of the house went out 14+ feet, so did the hose bib. It's attached to copper in the crawlspace. However, it has ALWAYS leaked. I band aided it by putting an extension adapter over it, but I'm older now and I want to fix it...
  2. D

    Diverter valve installation/recommendations? + Hose Bibb install?

    GM- I had a HIMC (Home Improvement Contractor) come in to remove/replace a cracked fiberglass shower enclosure and other things, other than the plumbing issues. The shower drain install seems fine. Not an expert in this area. I have a couple questions for experts. 1. They replaced my old...
  3. R

    PEX-A Design Questions

    I am looking for some assistance with the my Pex plan for an upcoming remodel. I have included my sketch plan, based on research for the best system(s), however, there appears to be a fair amount of debate with regard to the best system/method to use. I am hoping someone would be willing to...
  4. N

    Odd Garden Hose Bib

    Greetings, See images attached. I need to find a replacement for the vacuum breaker shown. It has male fine threads on the bib side, standard male garden hose on the other. I don't have this part anymore, it was accidentally discarded. I don't know what the fine thread is, 3/4" NPT was too...