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  1. U

    Venting pipe question

    Hi all - Would it be possible to get some opinions on the following problem please? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Context: In my attic, there are 2 venting pipes that emerge from the house. They are labelled "A" and "B" in the images below. Pipe "C" is the exit venting pipe to...
  2. JoJoBird

    Have a question about combining vents in attic space

    Hello, I added a shower stall and an additional toilet to bathroom. The current bath has two sink vanities, they are about 16’ away from each other, one sink is drained to a 2” wet vent (to the roof) that provides the venting for the first (original) toilet 3” line. The other sink has a 1.5”...
  3. A

    Water Heater Flue Pipe Making Knocking Sounds

    Hi Everyone, We are in a 2 year old house. Every time the water heater turns on we hear loud knockings sound in the attic. We were able to find the pipe causing it - It's the flue pipe coming out of the water heater on the 1st floor and going upto the attic and having the exhaust out. The pipe...