Broke a few Toes

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How about, make eye contact with her when she's talking and watch her body language and mimic it slightly.

Nod and say "mmhmm" from time to time as if you are really listening. She might not notice that you aren't actually listening.

Works on my mother.
Update, I have not broke any toes since last time. Everyday that passes I get closer to doing it so my suggestion is you guys start a pool.
I have five on next Friday. I promise I won't cheat.
Yikes. I'm just going to hope you don't break any more toes or re-break any of them.
He doesn't have toes anymore, he has sacks of skin with bone fragments in them.
Still nothing broken. Got close when I was at the pool this weekend.
Not yet, but I will keep you up to date.
Still doing well, but I have to buy a new pair of sandals this week, so it's probably getting close.
I have and shoes break them too. I have ugly, easily broken feat. It's a real bother.
I hope your luck holds out and that there won't be any more breaks.