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I just hope they have decent installers who can repair the other stuff around and not charge too much. Install will probably cost more than the door itself.

I thought about french doors but we don't have the space to open the doors inward and we don't have anywhere to step out of both doors if they open outward. There is just one small set of steps on the side where the sliding glass door opens.

Doctor got mom in for an urgent appointment today because her blood sugar is staying too high even when she's not eating. She was sent to get bloodwork and they will see if she needs to be hospitalized to lower her sugar. Hopefully not. And she was told to double the dose of the new insulin. And eventually supplement with the fast-acting insulin. He gave her a chart of how to determine just how much of the fast-acing to take-- once they approve it. He also said that he overheard the NP arguing with the diabetes supply place about getting the insulin pump and that they are not cooperating. They keep telling me they haven't received all of the info yet and she insists she's sent it multiple times.

Ran out of test strips for her finger stick glucose monitor. Don't know what happened to them. The box is missing and it wasn't empty. I looked all over the floor and area around where it could have fallen with no luck. She's also running low on the Dexcom sensors and I don't know if/when they will send more.

New freezer is very cold but also very hard to open. Whole thing pivots and my brother wasn't able to open it. He yanked the handle and the whole freezer moved. I found that slipping my fingers under the seal would let it open. It has magnetic seal.

In a bit of sad-but-expected news, the doctors confirmed that my friend's wife miscarried but they aren't doing the d&c yet. They are giving her meds that will cause her to flush it out. So, basically inducing labor. She's heartbroken.
New freezer is very cold but also very hard to open. Whole thing pivots and my brother wasn't able to open it. He yanked the handle and the whole freezer moved. I found that slipping my fingers under the seal would let it open. It has magnetic seal.

In a bit of sad-but-expected news, the doctors confirmed that my friend's wife miscarried but they aren't doing the d&c yet. They are giving her meds that will cause her to flush it out. So, basically inducing labor. She's heartbroken.
Is the freezer full? If not full, the suction pulled as the warm air is cooled will be powerful. Less air and more food will make it easier to open. Sounds like the seal is working as it should!

So sorry about your friend……
Is the freezer full? If not full, the suction pulled as the warm air is cooled will be powerful. Less air and more food will make it easier to open. Sounds like the seal is working as it should!
To wit: The air inside a fridge or freezer “shrinks” as it gets colder. This can, sometimes, create an air pressure disparity, which makes it difficult to open the door. If the door is closed quickly, air will be forced out and it may take several minutes for the air pressure to stabilized, after which the door can be opened with normal ease.