Why do I have a Sewage Basin?

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Sep 18, 2015
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Hello. First Post !

I just bought this house 3 days ago.
REO Property. Built in 1985

I am at a point where I took off the lid to the sewage basin and saw that it has deteriorated/broken in 2-3 spots and the inlet section is not sealed.

I am confused about why this house has a sewage pit.
The outlet is right above the basement floor. (But it's 2")

Why didn't they just tie in there? Do you think it was for a future bathroom?
All my waste from the house go into this sewage basin and gets pumped out.





So now I have to take this thing out, Cut it because the enclosure they built in the basement has a 24" door.
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can not answer why you have an ejector. to find out

you need some key information

the sewer main invert elevation, the building drain invert elevation.

this might tell you why.

also. you have a basement, any plumbing in the basement
Only plumbing in the basement is the water heater but that goes up.

All waste go to this basin.

I am either going to repair the holes with Polyethylene sheets and gluing them in


I will replace the whole basin

It may be the time to call a plumber but I don't even know what to tell them to do.
can not answer why you have an ejector. to find out

you need some key information

the sewer main invert elevation, the building drain invert elevation.

this might tell you why.

also. you have a basement, any plumbing in the basement

Third basic law of plumbing-

3) Shiat flows downhill. If an uphill flow is desired/necessary, a pump must be used.

...now where is that LH monkey wrench and why is frodo always smiling when he sends me out to the truck to find it? :confused:
Hello. First Post !

I just bought this house 3 days ago.
REO Property. Built in 1985

I am at a point where I took off the lid to the sewage basin and saw that it has deteriorated/broken in 2-3 spots and the inlet section is not sealed.

I am confused about why this house has a sewage pit.
The outlet is right above the basement floor. (But it's 2")

Why didn't they just tie in there? Do you think it was for a future bathroom?
All my waste from the house go into this sewage basin and gets pumped out.

So now I have to take this thing out, Cut it because the enclosure they built in the basement has a 24" door.

The OP's sentence 'All my waste from the house'

Is what I am basing my answer on, as to sump or sewege
It needs to be established (IMO) first if a sewage ejector setup or just a sump pump... :confused:

I have sewage basin and ejector pump for my basement bath. Trust me, all the OP need do is take a sniff at the hole in the top cover where the power cords go in and he'll know. For a sewage application there normally would be a plug there with holes for the cords to go through while still providing a seal. What seems odd is that it would seem unusual to use an ejector pump for a sump pump application. I say this because of the 2" discharge line.
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I have sewage basin and ejector pump for my basement bath. Trust me, all the OP need do is take a sniff at the hole in the top cover where the power cords go in and he'll know.

For a sewage application there normally would be a plug there with holes for the cords to go through while still providing a seal. What seems odd is that it would seem unusual to use an ejector pump for a sump pump application. I say this because of the 2" discharge line.

That is what I figured, the smell from an open sewage ejector pit would knock a buzzard off a gut wagon... :(

(I was introduced to the concept i.e., sewage ejector pit while house hunting here).

I am fairly new to off-municipal living but would think one would want an intact basin and cover to overcome any radiances of anal seepage.
It's sewage only.

I have a separate sump pit sitting on the other corner of the basement.

I found out why I have a sewage system (from the neighbors),
All houses within this area have it apparently because the town was too cheap to pay for a centralized system that would pump upwards.

The area is the lowest in the town.

Now I am trying to decide if I should go with a $3500 Tramco system or not.
I like it. But I'm buying a new basin, there are huge chunks missing from it and i dont want to risk it.

Luckily a local supply house has one 24x36 in stock.

AK industries rep said it will take 2 weeks to get it to me (WTF). I would have rather gone with them with their 1/4" metal covers but i cant wait

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